Our NCHS One Act Play competes today in the VHSL Class 2 State Theatre Festival. Wish our Govs the best! The competition time is 5:00pm at Western Albemarle High School. No Admission fee.
Break a leg!!
#OneNelson #GoGovsGo #VHSLClass2StateTheaterFestival
December is full of events in Nelson County. Remember the December School Board meeting.
Thank you to Saunders Brothers Farm Market for your generous "Thank You" gift of pansies to all NCPS staff. This was a great way of showing appreciation for our wonderful staff at the Thanksgiving Break! We appreciate our community partners!
#OneNelson #SaundersBrothersFarmMarket @ThankYou
Congratulations to Ms. Kelsea Bryant, Spanish teacher at NCHS and NMS, for being named the 99.7CYK Teacher of the Month for November. Way to go! 99.7 CYK
#OneNelson #99.7CYK
C-O-N-G-R-A-T-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S. Congratulations to this year's NCPS Spelling Bee winners!
Zach Branson- NMS-1st place
Mackenzi Goin- TRES- 2nd Place
Mason Murphy- NMS- 3rd Place
Way to represent yourselves, your school, and NCPS!
Thank you to Ms. Pollard, Ms. Price, Ms. Campbell, Ms. Clark, and Ms. Mays for organizing and working this event!
#OneNelson #NCPSSpellingBee2024
The next Family Night will be on Tuesday, December 10th beginning at 5:30 at the NCHS Auditorium. The topic will be "Talking to Kids about Setting Healthy Boundaries Online."
A spaghetti dinner will be provided.
Happy Thanksgiving, NCPS!
Thanksgiving Break is November 27-29, 2024.
It is a time of thankfulness, friends, and family!
Thank you to all of our NCPS staff, students, families, and community!
Enjoy and be safe!
#OneNelson #ThanksgivingBreak2024
Congratulations to the November 2024 #OneNelson Award winners! Thank you for all that you do to support NCPS!
Student: Adrian Leal
Community Member: SRO Keith Brown
Classified Staff: Kelley Woodson
Certified Staff: Cindy Kirchner
If you know of an NCPS student, community member, classified staff (IAs, Front Office/Administrative Assistants, Nurses, School Nutrition, Maintenance, Transportation, Custodians, Technology, etc), or certified staff (Teachers, Administrators, etc) please nominate them for the #OneNelson Award by clicking on https://forms.gle/3WDi5oU92xTmhwWL7
To read this month's #OneNelson Newsletter, click on the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13sdurFUNdWNcBI36Ktj0zv776YfuClp4/view?usp=sharing
This week is National School Psychologist Week! Please join me in extending a THANK YOU to our School Psychologist, Chrissy Teora, for all that she does for students, teachers, and families in Nelson County. Chrissy spends a great deal of time administering assessments, analyzing student performance data, and guiding teams in determining how to best deliver services to our students. Additionally, she plays an integral role in identifying the Specially Designed Instruction that our students require. She furthermore guides teams in ensuring we meet timelines and supports us in ensuring all necessary components are complete. She remains calm and un-frazzled in tough situations and she is a true asset to our division. Regardless of the number of items on her to-do list, she readily stops what she is doing to meet the needs of her colleagues and students. Please join us in acknowledging Chrissy's contributions to NCPS.
#OneNelson #SchoolPsychologistWeek
Thank You, Veterans!
Five NCHS students have art on display in the Daura Museum of Art's selective "High School Invitational Art Exhibit." Congrats to Audrey Watts, Lailee Pollard, Natalie Rivera, Emily Johnson, and Mary Jo Allen. The show is open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tues.-Sat. at the University of Lynchburg's Dillard Fine Art Bldg (in the "Lobby Gallery" on the lower level). The exhibit is also a competition, and the winner(s) will be announced on the show's last day, Thursday, November 14th during a closing event from 6 p.m. to 7. Nine schools were invited and, in all, there are around 50 top-level high school artworks in the show. The venue is around 45 minutes from NCHS. Here's a GoogleMap of the simplest route: tinyurl.com/mapNCHStoUL Details about the exhibit and some other NCHS art activities are in an article in "Nelson Expression" online here: https://nelsonexpression.blogspot.com/2024/10/we-are-champions.html #OneNelson #NelsonExpression
GOOD LUCK to all of our students traveling to perform in the District Choir auditions today! You got this!
#OneNelson #GoGovsGo
NCPS Special Education Advisory Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
5 PM
NCHS Library
Topic: Family Engagement
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth
The application window for admissions of incoming freshmen into the Blue Ridge Virginia Governor's School for the 2025-2026 school year is now open. All application information and resources are available on our Admissions Page (https://brvgs.k12.va.us/news/applications-for-admission-to-brvgs-for-the-2025-2026-school-year-are-available).
The deadline for submitting applications is December 6, 2024.
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth
#OneNelson #BeKind #KindnessMonth